Smart Home Security Hacks You Should Know About

The lives of many are made much easier and more convenient by the smart technology in their homes. However, the benefits of these devices also bring with them certain risks. You need to be able to negate and prevent the potential cyber threats presented by these devices.

Luckily, there are several easy measures you can put in place to secure your devices and protect your sensitive information.

There are an estimated 300 million smart homes in the world, so with interconnected devices becoming much more common, it’s never been more important to make sure the digital security measures you have in place are suitable. We’ve written this guide to include some helpful tips to protect your home from potential online threats.

Keep Up With The Latest Security Measures

One of the best ways to avoid your information being accessed against your will is to be aware of emerging cyber threats. As of January 2024, there are 5.35 billion internet users worldwide, which is 66.2% of the world’s population, so security measures have never been more relevant.

For example, update your Wi-Fi password regularly. This can prevent unauthorized access. A password manager can assist you in generating and securely storing complex passwords, which reduces the risk of human error and makes the overall process much easier.

Embrace Encryption

Make sure your smart devices securely transmit their data by using encryption protocols. Hackers can be deterred by this extra layer of protection and your sensitive information is less likely to be intercepted as a result.

You should also use a virtual private network (VPN) for even higher levels of security. Learn more about how VPNs encrypt your internet connection and how they make it more difficult for hackers to access your data as it travels between your devices and the internet.

Regular Software Updates Are Key

Making sure your devices have the most recent updates is an online security measure that many forget about. Updates for anti-virus software and applications often include patches to correct weaknesses that have arisen or been detected.

However, it’s just as important that you update your router’s firmware. Set up automatic processes for all updates so you don’t miss an important fix that could save you from hackers.

Monitor Your Network Activity

Monitor your network activity by using security tools and apps. This can help you detect any suspicious behavior and negate potential threats before they have the chance to escalate.

You should also invest in a network intrusion detection system (NIDS) or network security monitoring (NSM) software. These tools can analyze network traffic for signs of malicious activity and alert you to potential threats in real time.

Use Two-Factor Authentication Apps

Passwords are a common and effective way of making sure unauthorized parties can’t access your information and devices. However, the login process can be made even more secure by using a special app.

These apps, such as Authy and Google Authenticator, generate codes that can only be used once. The codes also must be used alongside your password. This way, even if a hacker has your passwords, they still can’t log in because they don’t have access to the app on your phone.

Secure Your Physical Environment

Families spend $19.4 billion on security systems, which shows that awareness of physical security measures is also on the rise. Smart locks and security cameras can be used to discourage intruders from trying to access your home.

In addition, you can use motion-activated lights to highlight the doors to your home. All of these measures combined can make you feel very secure in your smart home.

Utilize Firewall Protection

Firewalls reduce the chances of external threats affecting you by erecting a digital barrier. Enable the firewall feature on your router and configure it to block access to your smart home devices that you haven’t authorized yourself. You should also consider installing a software firewall on each device, as this adds an added layer of protection.

Here’s how to secure your smart home network:

  1. Access your router’s settings using a web browser.
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. Find the firewall settings under “Security” or “Access Control.”
  4. Enable the firewall and configure rules to block unauthorized access.
  5. Save your changes.

Repeat these steps on each smart device in your home for extra protection.

Practice Safe Password Management

Your passwords need to be very secure. Coming up with a suitable password is a relatively simple process. Rather than constructing a password from only lowercase letters, make sure to use some uppercase characters, too, along with special characters such as a question mark or other forms of punctuation. Using numbers in passwords is also a simple and effective security measure.

Using a password manager in conjunction with this security measure will also make them easier to store and remember.

Here Are Some Additional Cybersecurity Tips For Your Smart Home:

  • Create a separate guest network that visitors use when visiting your home; this keeps your primary network safe from external threats.
  • Make sure to review the permissions you’ve allowed for software and apps. Excessive permission can lead to weaknesses in your digital security measures.
  • Consider investing in a comprehensive smart home security system that integrates with your existing devices and provides centralized monitoring and control.


New forms of smart home technology are always being developed. Therefore, make sure you stay up to speed on the latest developments. However, awareness is only one helpful trait – you need to take proactive measures too. Put as many of the measures mentioned in this guide into practice, and you’ll be able to relax in your smart home safe in the knowledge that you’re physically and digitally more secure.

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