Helpful Tips To Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

The modern era is dominated by innovation and technology. Transportation efficiencies, useful apps, and smart technology make it easier than ever before to live more efficiently. While you may have an amazing innovation at your fingertips, you may not be living as efficiently or green as you can.

Today, you can implement all types of efficient appliances and smart technology to improve your life and comfort, while reducing costs at the same time. Here are some specific tips on how you can live more efficiently and reduce your energy costs.

Invest in HVAC System Maintenance

This may seem obvious, but if your HVAC system isn’t working properly or if it has issues, it is likely not running as efficiently as it could. This means it requires more energy to run and keep your home comfortable, which costs you more money. Because of this, it is recommended that you invest in AC repair services as soon as you notice an issue. Similarly, have your unit maintained by professionals regularly to increase its lifespan and keep your unit running efficiently year-round. 

Turn Down Your Thermostat

You should lower the temperature on your thermostat when you are away from home. Reducing the temperature by just three to five degrees will help to reduce your monthly costs and result in less energy being used. In fact, if you lower your thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees during the workday, you can save between 5% and 15% on your energy costs each year.

Start a Compost Pile

You don’t have to have a lot of room in your backyard to begin a compost pile. Compost is the result of the organic waste kept in a container or pile, which slowly decomposes as time passes. Your vegetable and fruit waste can be turned into beneficial fertilizer for your garden or lawn, and it helps to reduce the trash you produce every day.

Install a Low-Flow Showerhead

You can improve your home’s water efficiency by installing a low-flow showerhead. These have a flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute or less. A traditional shower head uses up to five gallons per minute. Your wallet and the planet will thank you for making this simple change.

Seal Your Windows

You can take another step by sealing the air leaks around all the windows in your home. For example, if you notice that your windows are drafty, it may be time to add weatherstripping around your frames. You can also use silicone caulk to seal any cracks in your home’s drywall or even add a sheet of film over your windows. Sealing the cracks and gaps is a simple and affordable way to reduce your overall energy costs.

Limit the Use of Space Heaters in Your Home

While gas and electric space heaters can help you stay warm when it is cold out, they are not very efficient when it comes to heating your home. In fact, most of the space heaters you can purchase today will use around 1,500 watts of energy to run, and their operation adds up quickly. 

Make sure that you choose an energy-efficient unit if you have to have one. If possible, opt for more layers and blankets instead to stay warm, as this will help you save a lot of money on energy costs.

home energy efficiency


Improving Your Home’s Efficiency

As you can see, there are more than a few things you can do to increase your home’s efficiency. Be sure to keep the tips above in mind, which will help stay comfortable and save money as well. Don’t underestimate the benefits of making small changes, as they will pay off in the long run.

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