A fireplace adds two things in your room. Warmth is the first thing you can get from it. Besides the heating system, the fireplace also can add additional warmth. It feels more comfortable having it in winter when you want to seek the way to counter the cold weather outside. Enter the room, use your fireplace and you get what you need.
The other things you can get from the fireplace are a big aesthetic value. As you can see, today’s fireplace design isn’t as simple as the past. The variety, as well as innovation, applied in it makes it become one of the best additions for your house. And, speaking about variety and its type, nowadays you can find many of them, such as corner fireplace.
Now, are you interested in a corner fireplace? Below, we have several corner fireplace ideas that you can apply to your house. Use them to remodel your old fireplace. Or, you also can use them as a reference to find the best design and product that you need. So, let’s get started.
1. The Three Colors Fireplace Ideas

The fireplace here is standard modern style fireplace. However, the color combination with the wall behind it creates a nice balance. The black fireplace becomes the focus of the whole design. And, it can become like this because of the usage of other colors nicely.
2. The Burning Words Corner Fireplace Design

It may look simple and ordinary. However, the two air duct on top of the wall, one decoration right in the middle and the fireplace on the bottom part of the wall create a unique face-like shape. It is like the face says something until its mouth burning.
3. Simple and Beautiful Fireplace

The corner fireplace ideas like this is the perfect choice for the minimalist style room. The fireplace design doesn’t use too much accent. Therefore, it matches the room interior and other objects you place in that room. The fireplace isn’t the focal point of the room. But, it looks beautiful, nonetheless.
4. Rock Corner Fireplace

The room looks modern. However, by adding stone material in the corner fireplace ideas, the appearance of the room is changed. It is a smart move. The stone material gives it a different accent. Moreover, they use similar color for the wall and stone material, which create a nice combination in this design.
5. Small Corner Fireplace in The Living Room

This is proof of the usefulness of a corner fireplace. As you can see, the room is quite small. And, there is only a small area in the corner that can be used. Guess what!? The corner fireplace fit the area. This kind of corner fireplace ideas helps you a lot if you really want to lit up your room, while the space available is limited.
6. Rock Tile Corner Fireplace

Using the rock tiles for the whole wall behind the fireplace is a good idea. At least, the boring and plain white wall in this room has a different pattern and accent. Moreover, the contemporary style chandelier also strengthens the fireplace corner design. As a whole, this is one of the best designs.
7. Natural Style Fireplace

The most important element of this corner fireplace is the wooden top. It has similar material and pattern with the window frame. Moreover, it also doesn’t use a chimney, which means this is the gas fireplace type. It’s also good corner fireplace ideas if you want to add a fireplace after you build your house.
8. The Middle Age Corner Fireplace Ideas

The rock material used here make this corner fireplace looks like the fireplace you can see in the middle Ages castle in the movie. The rock material is also suitable with the bare ceiling that uses a natural wood frame. Spending your time in this room feels like you are totally escaping from the busy and stressful modern world.
9. The Arc Fireplace

We like how the fireplace design didn’t use the common concept, where the hole for the fireplace is made in rectangle shape. The arc shape like this removes its stiff and old nuance. It’s softer, flexible and comfortable. That’s why the arc corner fireplace ideas is perfect for living room like this.
10. The Elegant

The marble material on the fireplace is the main reason why this fireplace looks elegant. Without it, it will become the standard and ordinary corner fireplace. The marble stone gives it elegant as well as comfortable nuance, which is perfect for spending time in front of it with your loved one.
11. Wooden Gas Fireplace

The wood material seems out of place, as the fireplace is the place where you usually burn the woods. However, this contrast creates a unique appearance in the room. The fireplace becomes a great addition to the room. On the other hand, it also can become the most important element affected the room appearance.
12. The Separator

Two walls with different colors will create a clear line that separates them. You don’t want that kind of appearance to appear in your room? Using the corner fireplace ideas like this solve that problem. The corner fireplace uses a totally different material and pattern. Thus, it creates a nice soft separation line that blends two walls nicely. That’s so cool for living room color schemes.
13. The Pine Trees Corner Fireplace

The pine tree skin pattern used here is very beautiful. It is a perfect choice if you want to match it with your plain white wall but you want to give it a noticeable accent. The way it was built that make it looks like come out from the wall is also magnificent. Try it if you want something simple but have a big effect.
14. The Brick Corner Fireplace Ideas

We really like this design. It’s like the whole fireplace was removed from the old building then places it in this room. The corner fireplace ideas like this won’t look good in any room. But, this room has a wood frame on the ceiling and classic furniture, which is the perfect couple for this old brick corner fireplace.
15. The Lonely Corner Fireplace

It looks lonely. There is only one fireplace in this room. But, we can imagine that once you place everything else here, such as a table, chair, rugs, wall decoration, and others, this room will become amazingly beautiful. The placement close to windows also gives it nice lighting, which emphasizes the texture of the material on the fireplace.
16. The White One

It’s simple corner gas fireplace design. The thing that makes it stand out is the color. The pure white color looks different than the other colors in the room. It shows that white is the best choice, whenever you have a problem to choose the right color for your corner fireplace. White is a neutral color and it matches all the colors you use in the room.
17. The Golden Metal

Although this one is another gas fireplace, the golden metal apparatus in it make it looks like the real fireplace. It’s a good thing for giving the classic touch in this room. Moreover, with the nice decoration and sculpting-like accent on its surface, the corner fireplace ideas like this is the correct choice for any room.
18. The Sophisticated Corner Fireplace Decoration

A word that came into our mind when we see this fireplace for the first time is the “smooth” word. The shape and the corner fireplace ideas here is perfect from our perspective. The round-shaped frame, as well as the similar color with the wall, makes that kind of impression. But, adding the natural stone give it some nice roughness.
19. The River Rock Tower

It’s like an important monument of history inside the living room. Crazy maybe is the right word to describe the corner fireplace ideas you can see here. But, if we see behind its craziness, we can see that this unique design is artistically beautiful. It’s boldly showing the room owner personality to anyone who enters the room.
20. The Rustic Line

The corner fireplace design itself is the rustic style. However, the room owner places the fireplace one line with the rustic style chandelier. Thus, it creates a unique combination. Maybe the room owner doesn’t realize this unique combination. But, it looks really great. It would be even greater if they also place the classic style coffee table in front of it.
21. Skew That Rock

Actually, the wall isn’t skew or crocked at all. It’s the effect of the curtain that flips over the wind blow. But, it’s actually a good idea, if you can apply the corner fireplace with natural stone like this and the shape of the wall is a little bit skewed. That way you can create one amazing corner fireplace for your room. Try it and see it yourself!
22. The Floating Fire

Spotless white frame with the dark/black the burning area makes that effect. When you light it up, the fire inside this fireplace looks like floating in the space. Try to see it while lying down on the chair in this room. We can imagine that we will experience one of the most comfortable and relaxing feelings. Thus, this fireplace purpose will be achieved.
23. Magnificent Stone Fireplace Ideas

This is a big corner fireplace. It’s also made of stone which makes it grandly beautiful. Thus, we use the magnificent word for this corner fireplace. This kind of corner fireplace ideas is a perfect choice if you trying to show off. Build it in your small living room and you will have something you can be proud of in front of your guest.
24. Between The Lights

We can imagine that this corner fireplace will look great when you light it up in the winter. When the snow outside the house makes the surface totally white, the warm light from the fireplace shines brightly inside. So, we can say it as one of the best placement for a corner fireplace. If you have this kind of room design, do not hesitate to try it.
25. TV Stand with Corner Fireplace

You don’t have a TV stand? Use the fireplace. The corner fireplace like this is a great choice for a TV stand. It uses the gas type fireplace, so it won’t harm your TV. Of course, it would be better if you use other places for a TV stand. But, if you want something different, the TV and corner fireplace ideas like this is a great choice.
26. The Brown TV Stand Fireplace

This one is different than the previous TV and corner fireplace ideas. We can say that this is the best combination of TV and fireplace. The fireplace uses the beautifully finished wood frame. Then, the wall behind the fireplace has a beautiful plant/trees picture. The TV blend really well with the fireplace that creates a luxurious TV stand.
27. The Inside

Actually, this is the installation process of the corner fireplace. As you can see, the frame is made of wood. After it is covered with a specific layer, it will look like the standard fireplace that you see a lot in many houses.
However, if you use your creativity a bit, you can keep this appearance. The naked corner fireplace will look more amazing than the covered one. Though, it needs more treatment than the standard corner fireplace.
28. The Electric Stone Fireplace

The electric fireplace can be used in any kinds of wall and room. It’s also safer than the old style fireplace. This one seems to try to combine the electric fireplace with the old-style chimney fireplace. The end result looks beautiful. The classic atmosphere is very strong there with the light touch of modernism. If you are planning to buy a new electric fireplace then know more here TopRatedFirePlaceInserts.com about electric fireplaces to make the right choice.
29. Colorful Stone Corner Fireplace Ideas

Usually, the natural stone corner fireplace uses the totally bright/white stone or the darker stone like a river stone. However, this one uses brighter stone material. In fact, the brighter stone like this is perfectly suitable with the wooden floor and ceiling. Therefore, the natural scent becomes much stronger because of this unique fireplace.
30. Burned Pillar

This is one of the eccentric corner fireplace ideas you can try. Although we said it’s eccentric, actually many houses with modern interior style use this kind of concept on many elements of the room. But, we have to admit that this unique hanging pillar on top of the fire is one of the amazing artwork created by using the fireplace. This is really nice.
31. Beautiful Corner TV Stand Fireplace Compartment

The wooden corner fireplace is beautiful. This one is more than just that. It uses a totally different wood type and pattern than the wood used in the area surrounding it. Thus, it makes it stand out among others. And, by placing the TV on top of it, you can easily focus on this area especially when you are watching TV in this room.
32. Stacking Stone Corner Fireplace Ideas

We usually use a fireplace as the focal point of the room. The stacking stone material makes it become a totally different part of the room. We can say that this design makes its purpose as focal point becomes much stronger. For the plain and simple room, this kind of corner fireplace ideas will improve its appearance quality a lot.
33. The Real Corner Fireplace

This is an interesting way to use the corner of the room for a corner fireplace. Usually, the corner fireplace ideas use the corner as it is. However, this one builds another wall and makes it looks like a pillar in the corner. This is good design.
34. The Worshipper

The corner fireplace in this picture gives a sacred feeling. The combination of the elegant fireplace design and beautiful lighting adjustment give birth to that sacred feeling. It’s a perfect design choice for you who want to spend your relaxing time in this room.
35. Warm Living Room

The fireplace maybe doesn’t have a big effect to make this living room warm. We usually depend more on the heating system. But, having a classic fireplace like this installed in the living room is a good thing to give a warm feeling. In addition, the color choice for this living room paint is so perfect.
36. Grey Brick Fireplace

The grey brick used here make this fireplace looks like the castle wall. It looks strong. It seems that it can last for a hundred years against many conditions. It becomes more beautiful because it is placed in the modern style room that’s totally opposite to this fireplace style.
37. The Vintage Clock Fireplace Decor

The fireplace is easy to notice. So, placing the click on top of it make you easily find out about the time. It’s a perfect combination. Moreover, the clock retro and rustic style blend really well with the fireplace design.
38. On The Wall

This is one of our favorite corner fireplace ideas. The fireplace is hard to notice and it’s like it was mounted into the wall. It looks neat. This design is a good choice for the modern style room like this. After all, modernism is all about practical things, right?
39. The Burning Wall

The fireplace part is actually really small. However, the chopper-like pattern of the wall where the fireplace was installed gives it a unique appearance. It’s like when you turn on the fireplace and the light shine on the wall, the wall seems like burning lava rock.
40. The Most Relaxing Corner Fireplace Ideas

This is one of the best combinations of corner fireplace and TV. It’s placed near the TV, so you will feel more relax when you watch TV. There is a big chance that you will feel asleep when you watch TV while turn on the fireplace.
41. The Farmhouse Style

The rock as the base of the fireplace reminds us of the comfortable farmhouse. It also uses the traditional style fireplace that uses wood to burn. The room itself with this kind of corner fireplace ideas turns into vintage style room.
42. Comfortable Stone Fireplace

If you have a wide living room, try to this fireplace style. The big chunk of rock as the base is perfect for the wider room. Moreover, the natural rock like this complements the wooden ceiling and floor in this room.
43. The Main Pillar

Actually, this is a normal stone and pillar-like fireplace. However, by placing the cabinet on both sides, it creates a tall and big feeling. With this kind of nuance, the fireplace becomes like the main pillar that supports the roof.
44. The White Mantle

The white mantle looks so standout on the rock stack. This part is the main elements of this fireplace design. Moreover, with beautiful decoration on it, it adds the artistic value of this whole composition.
45. The Former Seaman

The ship steering wheel on top of the fireplace becomes the main point of this fireplace. But, if you see behind this wheel, you can find it that the whole wall is made of rock stack. That itself is a really amazing addition for the fireplace.
46. Cozy Corner Fireplace Ideas

The stone mantle in the luxurious living room creates such a contrast. However, the similar color tone on the fireplace and the room give it a unified feeling. And, you also can feel the coziness in this room because of the fireplace.
47. The Lines

The placement of this fireplace is very good. It was installed in the same direction of the wood frame on the ceiling. Therefore, it creates an effect that this fireplace merges into one line with the ceiling frame.
48. The Library

The wood mantle of this corner fireplace reminds us of the wood used on the bookshelf pallet cabinets. Therefore, it matches really well with the book cabinet on the right and left the side of this fireplace.
49. The Deer Decoration

The good thing about the fireplace with rock mantle is you can add any kinds of decoration on it. This one is the example of unique corner fireplace ideas you can try. Just place a deer on top of it, and you have a beautiful fireplace.
50. The Lovely Brown

51. Perfect Old Fashioned Fireplace

52. Modern Contemporary Fireplace

53. Awesome Stone Fireplaces

54. Beautiful Corner Fireplace

55. Living Room

56. The Stone Wall

Choosing corner fireplace ideas won’t become any problem now. Our list above will help you to find the best idea for your living room. Just be freed to express your feeling and creativity. A corner fireplace is the elements that make your room comfortable. So, create any design that you like that can make you comfortable in that room.