Are you in store for some DVD storage ideas? Although DVDs are such an old thing, there are folks who still keep them because they see DVDs as timeless objects that should be kept safe. One of the methods to keep the DVDs safe is to use DVD storage, which should be self-explanatory if you know your English.
Creating DVD storage is not exactly a thing that most people can do thanks to how obsolete physical DVDs are now. For that very reason, we want to give you 48 DVD storage ideas that might (or might not) help you with your problems.
All of the ideas we got are very easy to do and are guaranteed foolproof, meaning you have to be the worst of fools to fail in putting these ideas to the real world. It also means that all of the ideas below will provide your DVDs the best kind of protection, which is something that you definitely want to keep your collection safe.
Because time is in very short supply for all of us, let us just jump into the first idea we got, huh? As our very first idea, we would like to give you one of the simplest ideas that you can definitely realize if you are looking for a place to store your discs.
1. Use drawers to store your DVD

Considered one of the best DVD storage ideas, this idea is very simple and very easy to do, meaning you do not need to have an Einstein level of intelligence to use this idea successfully.
In fact, you really do not need to think about how to make this one. If you got empty drawers – be it for clothes or for other stuff – repurpose those drawers and add ‘slots’ as depicted in the picture above to slot your DVDs in.
2. Floating shelves work, too

This is also a simple idea, though you really need to do a bit of work for this one. Floating shelves are shelves that float thanks to the fact that it is nailed to the wall. Coincidentally, floating shelves make for a good place to store your DVDs.
You can also store other stuff that takes the shape of DVD cases in here, too. You got a collection of books or video game steelbooks? Put them in floating shelves and no one would dare to judge you.
3. Going in circles never hurt

We move from the realm of simplicity and to the realm of complexity with this idea. If you think floating shelves and drawers are too boring, then this one will tickle your fancy without overly complicating your storage.
The circular shape of this idea means that it would be one of the most unique shelves that you can get, which might be point enough for people who are looking to be unique.
4. Why not store your DVDs near your TV?

As you might have noticed, DVDs are made to be played on TVs. Knowing that, where is one of the best places where you can store your DVD collection? Near the TV!
This is an idea that seems simple both in look and appliance. There is nothing simpler than having to create shelves on the sides of your TV stand. If not, there are always home depots who are selling a dedicated TV plus DVD shelves like this one.
5. If black is too boring, go yellow

There is no reason why we make the color yellow as the specific color that you should get, but look at the picture above and we dare you to tell us that it looks odd.
If you really believe it is odd, then it is safe to say that you are the odd one here. Other people would like what they are seeing simply because it is an idea that works.
6. Bedroom + DVDs

In before bookworms claim that this is the kind of bedroom they want to have in the future, let us say that this is the kind of bedroom they want to have in the future. Bookworms and DVD enthusiasts, too, if we look at the picture above.
7. Drawers and separators

Simple? Check. Easy to make? Check. Cheap and would not cost you a fortune unless you bought yourself an overpriced drawer? Hecking check.
While we already got a drawer idea before, this idea comes in a different kind of form and it brings with it different kind of simplicity. By using this idea, you can easily pull out the DVD that you want to watch because it allows you to look at the title from the side of the DVD case.
8. This stainless DVD case is unconventional

And people are loving it. We do not know why they like this kind of storage. Maybe it is because of the simplicity that this idea offers. Maybe it is because of how easy it would be to sort your DVD collection here. Maybe it is also because of the wood and stainless steel. All in all, no good things to talk about.
In case you did not notice, we are being very sarcastic with our words. We would not put this idea here if it is not good, after all.
9. Let us return to the simpler times

By applying this idea to your house, you will be taking yourself to a simpler time, when your DVD collection is not as abundant as you (might) have at the moment.
This is the perfect kind of storage that you should strive for if you have not got lots of DVD cases with you. It is very simple to do and you probably do not need to pay too much for this.
10. DVD storage ideas from the boxes

Taking ‘simple’ to the next level, why not ditch all of those shelves and drawers and go with your ordinary boxes? This is a simple idea that must never be skipped unless you – for some reason – lack boxes in your home.
The boxes you can use do not have to be expensive boxes or embroidered boxes. Just make or get a DVD storage box depicted in the picture above and you will be good to go.
11. Recycle your shoe boxes into DVD storage ideas

If you are an avid shoe buyer and you got lots of empty shoe boxes, there is nothing hurtful by turning those empty boxes into a place where you can store your DVD collection. Place your shoes into the shoe storage and let the box is empty.
Sure it is nothing beautiful, but why waste a good box for the trash can, eh? This one will not force you to spend more money unless you are planning to decorate the box with other things people might find unnecessary.
12. Re-purpose your metal pipes

If someone ever asks if you can use metal pipes other than to channel water from one place to another or to commit vandalism and other crimes, show them this picture and they will definitely get the idea.
Even better if the asking person comes in the form of someone looking for DVD storage ideas that they can use to store their DVD collection.
13. Vintage soda crates could not hurt

You know those old soda crates? Those soda crates are made out of wood, and you know what kind of material that can work best as a place to store your DVD collection? Wood.
Okay we do not see the reason why wood makes for a good material to store your DVDs in, but take a look at the picture above! It might not be the best-looking storage, but it does save the earth.
14. Sliding drawers work good, too

Sliding drawers should be good for practically every stuff available in the world (minding the size of the stuff, of course). This means that it is also good as DVD storage.
Finds drawers that have segments in them to make sorting easier. If you cannot find them, make them, or live without them. Either way, sliding drawers work.
15. Take the luxurious road with this idea

Whomsoever thought that they would need a leather case to store their DVD collection must be a very rich person indeed. Everybody who thought to use leather as a material for their DVD storage must be thinking that they have a lot of money that they can waste on unimportant stuff.
You cannot deny the idea above looks cool, though. You cannot store DVD cases in there, but you got a handy pull-out note that you can write the names of the DVD being stored on. That is cool and practical.
16. V floating shelves

Ah. If novelty can take a picture of shelves, this will be the picture that comes out from its Polaroid camera.
Why is that? Because it is novel. The V-shape of the shelf is not something that you usually see in most people’s houses. Most people who keep to this kind of plan are usually people who got a different point of view than most people, too, which only adds to its novelty.
17. Place your DVDs above the door

Okay, this one is a tad more decorative than it is practical, but people who have a DVD collection rarely ever want to search for practical DVD storage ideas. They usually want to turn their DVD collection into a part of their decoration, which is not wrong to say the least.
Practicality is a bit shoved aside here, but who cares about it as long as it looks good, yes? You only need to get a stick or something else to reach the DVDs above.
18. This idea will make sorting very easy

Because we have shown you an idea that is less than practical, it is only fair if we give you an idea that can contrast it. This idea is just that.
The presence of a huge alphabet by this shelf is one of the things that make it practical. This makes sorting through your DVD a very easy thing to do as you just have to take a look at the huge alphabet to find the right DVD you are looking for.
19. Another near-TV idea

There is no explanation needed for this one. Not only that this idea is as easy as hanging a rack under your TV, this is very practical and very time saving.
The only bad thing that can come from this idea is that you will have the TV fall down on your DVDs if it does fall down. ‘If’ being the keyword here because nobody is that daft when it comes to securing expensive stuff like a television.
20. Got spare wooden pallets? Try this DVD storage ideas

Keeping a wooden pallet with you might pay off in the future, that is why you should be keeping any spare wooden pallets you got in your warehouse or basically anywhere else.
Why is that? Because of the picture above, of course. Being a DVD collector with a spare wooden pallet never felt so good until now, right? All you got to do is to hang your pallet on a flat surface and put your DVD collection there.
21. Bench DVD storage ideas

There are wooden benches with an empty space just underneath the sitting area. That empty space is usually wide enough for you to store a DVD or book collection.
Even if you have not got a DVD to use, you can store other things here. Books and magazines come to mind. Makes it easier for people who sit to reach for something to read, as well, which means it is both nice-looking and practical.
22. Vertical wooden DVD storage ideas

Before, we have given you DVD storage ideas that are oriented horizontally. Because we do not want to be said as a group who got a golden orientation, we would like to share DVD storage that is a tad different than the ideas before.
The difference lies in how you store your DVD cases. While prior ideas require you to store your DVDs horizontally, this one forces you to store your DVDs vertically. You got to play the stacking game with this one, folks.
23. Segmented shelf for the win

If you thought we are leaving the horizontal orientation because it is too boring, then think again! We are not leaving the orientation in the dust, friends, and we have our own reasons for that.
One of the reasons is because of how a horizontal orientation can fit lots of DVDs and how easy it would be for you to segment them. Easier segmentation leads to easier sorting, which means higher practicality.
24. Wooden cabinet for your DVD

We have introduced your wooden drawers and drawers made out of other stuff, but we want to return to the basic and take you somewhere you might have not seen just yet.
This is that somewhere. Wooden cabinets are usually reserved for important documents and other whatnot, but if you got lots of money and DVDs, why not use one as a place to store your DVDs? A bit overkill in the price department, but who cares if you got money, right?
25. Mounted DVD holder ideas

We are now back to the vertical orientation and we want to present you a simple idea that you definitely need to do if you got the time and money for it.
There is nothing else that needs to be said about this idea, honestly. All you got to do is hang the holder somewhere near your TV or DVD player and let this thing do its job.
26. Cello-shaped Shelf DVD Storage ideas

We do not know who first invented this kind of idea and we do not care about it. What we do care about is how novel this thing is, and that alone is enough to tickle our fancy.
Who knows if it can tickle your fancy as well, right? No matter if you are tickled or not, this one idea is unique and is not that money consuming, especially if you got a spare broken cello lying around you.
27. Colorful Stacks for DVD Storage ideas

Oooh. We like this one because of how colorful the DVD shelves are. Color is not exactly something that DVD collectors are looking for when they are looking for a place to store their DVDs, but this idea proves that you do need color sometimes.
It will make for an easier sorting experience and it looks good, especially when it contrasts the white backdrop depicted in the picture above.
28. Use your stairs

This is an idea that can actually work if you got an empty spot by the side of your stairs and if your stairs are strong enough.
Your stairs need to be made out of strong wood if you want to apply this idea because you are basically hollowing it. If it is not strong enough, you will end up with your foot making a hole out of the stairs.
29. Make a statement

There is nothing much more clichéd than having DVD storage ideas that form the word ‘film’, but people got a different kind of view when it comes to what is cliché and what is not.
No matter if you see it as clichéd or not, this is an idea that can still work wonderfully, especially if you are trying to be unique with your choice.
If not, you can also form other words, though the ‘film’ word itself is there as a definite statement that it is a DVD storage shelf.
30. Floating Wooden Pallets for DVD Storage

As we have said before, wooden pallets should not be something that you throw to the trash can if you got a large collection of DVDs. Recycle them into something like this and you will have nice storage for your DVD collection.
The clapperboard in the middle is also a fine addition. It is a cliché, but it does look cool and it adds a statement to the overall idea.
31. Vertical segmented shelves

Rarely we have seen segmented vertical shelves that work. Rarely we see something that is so simple is at the same time so tempting. Rarely we have seen something that is very practical acting as a fine addition to the overall beauty of a room.
We have seen all of those things in this idea. Segmented, practical, and it adds something to the empty wall behind it. No difficulties involved whatsoever here, too.
32. Industrial and wooden combined

When it comes to the word ‘industrial’, bricks must have been the first thing that comes to your mind. In truth, there is industrial wood, and almost all of them are colored darker than your standard ‘natural’ wood.
Which is why it is a perfect thing to be turned into DVD storage in a vintage-themed house. The darker look of the wood can really make anything around it vintage, which is good if you are looking for something like that.
33. What about a rusty look?

Speaking about vintage, this one is also even more vintage than the idea from before. This might be the most vintage DVD storage ideas that we can find on the market.
The vintage look itself can be attributed to the wood that they use to create this cabinet and the glass pane that helps you look at the insides of the cabinet itself. Good for books, board games, and DVDs.
34. Wavy DVD storage ideas

We call this a wavy DVD storage because of one thing: it resembles the look of that sound wave that is often displayed in radio or a sound system with a display.
In case you did not catch our meaning, then we are sorry. Even if you did not catch our meaning, though, this is still a good looking storage idea that is unique and very much different than most DVD storage ideas. Kind of hard to make if you want to store a lot of DVDs, however.
35. Maximize the space around the TV

Have a lot of space to spare near your TV? Why not try applying this idea to make the space around your TV less spacious? This is nice to look at and it is also very practical to boot, which means that you will get the best of both worlds.
36. Vintage brown for that vintage look

Simplicity, how we missed you. If you are one of the folks who miss having simple DVD storage ideas, then this one will put a large smile on your face. The design of this thing is not only simple, it also brings back the memories of a simpler life.
This idea fits in a lot of house types, but if you want this thing to truly shine, vintage houses are where you want to put this thing in.
37. Let us return to the walls

Dubbed the concealed DVD storage, we actually do not know why they dub it that way. Maybe it is because of how ‘clean’ the transition is from the walls and into the actual shelves itself.
Maybe it is also dubbed concealed because you would have a hard time finding a DVD among the other things (books and whatnots) that you can store here.
38. Living room novel DVD storage ideas

Novelty is something that a lot of people look for when they are looking for DVD storage ideas, and we got probably one of the most novel ideas ever.
This idea here looks a tad simple, but it is actually very complex to make. You will be spending a lot of times doing this, so if you cannot be bothered to spend a lot of times, better go to the store and get one pre-made.
39. Simple drawer for simple storing

Who says that DVD storage needs to be complex? That age-old saying is very, well, age-old. This means that you do not need to follow it up to the core and go with simpler ideas instead. This one is very simple but practical, something that you might love.
40. DVD-shaped DVD storage

Looks very cool, though a pain in the butt to make. This kind of idea is one of those DVD storage ideas that is a tad cliché, though it should not stop you from implementing it if you are fine with clichéd things.
41. Stairs + DVDs = great visual

We never thought that you can have a great stair visual by incorporating DVDs but here you have it. This is a visually appealing idea if your stairs are a bit lacking in the visual department. Easy, simple, and does not require you to purchase additional storing furniture.
42. Turn your metal pipes into something wonderful

Metal pipes are not exactly appealing for the eyes. That is why you should combine it with the colorful nature of DVD cases to make it work as a decoration in your house. This idea proves that the suggestion can work, though some people might find it a bit lacking.
43. Incorporate nature

By using natural wood, just like what this picture is doing. Natural wood is a very wonderful material to use if you are trying to spice up your house, and this DVD storage will definitely put your house on the spicier side. You get our meaning?
44. Does not always have to be wood

Because dark-colored metals can also be a good place for you to store your DVDs in. Because wooden shelves are already too much as of the moment of this writing, you are basically going hipster by using metal shelves.
45. Be practically adaptable with this DVD storage ideas

Why practically adaptable? Because this is a very practical shelf with ‘natural’ segments available. Sorting DVDs in this thing would not be a bee sting on the bottom part.
Adaptable because you can switch the orientation of your DVDs with ease. You want to store it vertical? You can do just that. The same can also be said if you want to store your DVDs horizontally.
46. Want to be cool? Use this DVD storage ideas

Being simple means being cool these days, so if you want to be cool, be simple with your design. This idea is very simple, which means you will be cool. Not only that, it is also very easy to work with, so you would not be left with the usual difficulties when you are ‘manoeuvring’ through this shelf.
47. White Wooden Creative DVD Storage Ideas

If you are tired of impractical things in your house, you might want to apply this idea and you will basically have very practical shelving for your DVDs.
Because it is very practical shelving, this means that it comes in the form of a simple shelf. The simpler the shelf, the harder it would be for it to ruin the look of the room. Very nice, right?
48. Hope you are not tired with floating shelves

Because our last idea is a floating shelf, and it is a simple one at that. Its simplicity could only mean that it got nothing else to hide. If you apply this idea, you would not ruin the look of your house and it can fit in a lot of house types.
To conclude
That is all we can say about the ideas. All of the ideas listed above are ideas that we believe can be easily applied if you want to. They are cheap, easy, and close to being very practical, which are points that we believe should exist in all DVD storage ideas.