Teenage is the period when you want to express yourself and find your true self. Therefore, your kids will have many complicated things to do or ask when they are entering this period of age, especially if you have a daughter. It also happens when you want to make your daughter a bedroom. Choosing the correct teenage girl bedroom ideas can be really difficult.
When you choose the design, you have to be careful. Choosing the teenage girl bedroom ideas for your daughter isn’t like when you choose the bedroom design when she was a kid. You still can use several elements and standard design for girl bedroom for her. However, you also need to adjust the design and match it with her age. This could be tricky if you don’t know how to do that.
For that reason, we have several good teenage girl bedroom ideas below you can use. They are all suitable for all kinds of personality, style or characteristic that your daughter has. Moreover, these bedroom ideas aren’t only limited to copying only. If you want, you also can take some of their elements, merge it into one and create your own design. Let’s get started!
1. The Simple Pink Style

Pink is always the safest choice for any girl bedroom. However, we are going to choose the design for a teenage girl. So, do not use this color too much. Add it on several places like you can see in the image for giving the pink accent in the room. And, if you use the white color as the base color, you can make the pink look stand out. This will give a strong girly and pink theme adequately.
2. The Total Girly Pink

You can apply the pink style like this one if your daughter is really like pink. In one glance, maybe it looks like a kid’s room design. However, the pattern on the wall gives it a more mature taste. So, the combination of girly bed and color, plus the pattern create balance pink style for teenage girl bedroom.
3. The Cool Pink Themes

The modern/minimalist style furniture blends really well with the darker pink here. This is perfect for your girl who doesn’t want to be seen as a kid anymore. It still has the girly feeling, while it also shows a strong personality through its color. Guaranteed, your daughter will love this design.
4. The Colorful Decoration

Best way to create a cute and beautiful design for teenage girl bedroom is adding colors. As you can see, you don’t need to add too much. Just a little part of the room and furniture with many different colors is enough. You also can replace the plain color chair with the patterned one, so it can add a stronger accent in the room.
5. The Cool Accent Wall Decoration

Another good teenage girl bedroom ideas is optimizing the bedroom wall. This room doesn’t have too many accessories. The color comes from the object that your daughter uses every day. However, in order to give it a strong focal point, adding the unique pattern on the wall with contrast color like this works really well.
6. The Pink Core

The bed is the core of a bedroom. For teenage girl bedroom ideas, you can use it to create the point of interest. This one applies the pink color to the bed. It creates contrast which makes the bed become the most visible and noticeable part of the room. This way you can easily please the eyes of anyone who enter this room.
7. The Pink and Orange Gradation

We can say that this one is a very unique idea. Using pink and orange color together and create nice gradation is the main concept of this room. However, the most interesting part is the pink color doesn’t come from the wall paint. Actually, this room uses orange wall paint. And the pink comes from the pink curtain that turns the light from the window into pink color light.
8. The Green Bedroom Ideas for Teenage Girl

Pink isn’t the only color you can apply for girl bedroom. The key here is applying a softer color to create calm and girly nuance. And, soft/light green like this is a good choice. The application doesn’t have to be in the whole room. One side of the wall and several pieces of green furniture is enough. So cute bedroom.
9. The Purple and White Accent

This one is similar to the green theme above. It uses purple instead. As you can see, this is also another great example that you can apply all kinds of colors on teenage girl bedroom. Just make it soft like this purple and the green one.
10. The Hello Kitty Theme

It looks like a kids bedroom. However, it is different if your daughter is big fans of Hello Kitty. She will love this design and feel comfortable to spend her time in this bedroom. This bedroom is proof that you also can use a cartoon character like a kids bedroom ideas.
11. The Calming Corner

Pink, soft green or light purple maybe is a good choice for creating a girly atmosphere. However, a bedroom is the place where you rest and relax. So, using a dark color like gray as you can see in the picture is a good way to create a comfortable bedroom. Add a small amount of soft pink in it and you make it become girl bedroom.
12. The Yellow Gray Teenage Girl Bedroom

This is another great example of how you can create a calm and sweet style with just a simple color combination. The gray provide some cool and relaxing nuance. While the yellow color provides the accent that improves this room design aesthetic. The result is a good teenage girl bedroom ideas you can try.
13. The Minimalist Style

Minimalist style is associated with the boy style room. However, this room shows that this style also can be applied to the girl room. The key here is the color choice as well as the decoration. The light purple creates calm and feminism atmosphere in the room. Then, adding the pink flower pattern strengthens that atmosphere.
14. White Room Solution

The plain white room also can be changed into a cute teenage girl bedroom. The solution is like what you can see in the picture. Adding the pink decoration, dolls, girly type bed will help you to create the base for teenage girl bedroom. After this, you can apply all kinds of teenage girl bedroom ideas in this room.
15. The Fantasy Theme

It’s quite a bold move we find here. Placing a deer statue inside teenage girl bedroom is something new. However, the designer applies some girly color on this statue. Therefore, it’s perfectly fit with this fantasy-like bedroom style.
16. The Total Purple Minimalist

This is another solution you can use to change the plain white room into a teenage bedroom girl style. Just paint the whole wall with light purple like this for creating the perfect bedroom for girl. And, if you use white furniture like in the picture, the reflection from the wall also gives the furniture a hue of purple color that looks smoother.
17. The Fantastic Ceiling Girl Bedroom Ideas

This one is another great teenage girl bedroom ideas you can use. If you only have a small room for teenage girl bedroom, just use the unique ceiling design like this one. This room even uses a mirror on the ceiling to create a wide area effect that comes from the reflection on the mirror.
18. White Purple Themed Girl Bedroom Ideas

Purple and white is a nice combination you can apply to any kinds of bedrooms. This one is the best example of how to use that combination with teenage girl bedroom ideas. The white part on the wall creates a nice division that connects the purple part of the wall with the natural wooden floor color and pattern. The result is a beautiful bedroom for girl.
19. The Pink Decoration Solution

Adding the sweet decoration will give the bedroom a strong girly atmosphere. This one uses the curtain and carpet as the part for adding the girly decoration. The curtain is quite plain with the white curtain. So, adding the pink decoration on top of it makes it looks beautiful. Then, another pink carpet on top of the room carpet is also a great way to make this room is suitable for a teenage girl.
20. The Three Color Theme

This room looks colorful and cute. However, if you are looking carefully, you can see that this room only uses three colors, which is blue, red/pink, and yellow. The black and white is a neutral color that you can combine with any color. So, they only work as the complementary color for this room design. You also can change the three colors used here with any color that you like.
21. Pastel Pink Girl Bedroom Ideas

The strong or dark pink can be used to create a mature image, as mentioned before, or a childish image. So, if you want to have a safe option for teenage girl bedroom ideas, you can use soft pink like this room. Add some of the heart shapes in the room and you get a sweet and cute teenage girl bedroom.
22. Empty Wall Girly Solution

If a teenage girl bedroom has an unused wall and you don’t know what you should put or what color you want to apply on it, you can use this solution. Using three different colors of rectangle shape wallpaper, you can create a beautiful wall decoration. And, make sure you pay attention to how you place it. As you can see, the same color is placed diagonally to create a nice pattern here.
23. The Heart Theme Bedroom Ideas for Teenage Girl

The heart is the shape that represents the cute and sweet feeling. So, using this shape on teenage girl bedroom ideas is quite common, as you can see in the picture. Maybe it will be difficult to find the cabinet with heart shape knob like that. But, you can make it yourself if you can’t find a similar cabinet. You also can do the same on other furniture. The key here is adding heart shape here and there.
24. The Rose Line

This is another beautiful wall decoration you can use. Maybe, you will have a problem to find the exact similar rose wallpaper on the wall behind the bed in this picture. The solution is using printing service or customized wallpaper service to create this unique wall decoration. Add it in the bedroom for creating sweet teenage girl bedroom.
25. The Striped Wall Decoration

This is the cheapest method to decorate the bedroom for your daughter. You don’t need to buy the wallpaper for the entire wall in the room. Just buy enough to cover one side of the wall. The stripe style wallpaper like this is also a great way to add some retro nuance, especially if the girl likes this style.
26. Let The Light Shine Through

Color and decoration isn’t the only important element you must aware when you choose teenage girl bedroom ideas. The lighting, especially natural lighting, is also important. It is not only important for health. But, it also can make the room far from the gloomy atmosphere.
27. The Ceiling Focus Design

The ceiling design of this room is amazingly beautiful. It shows the frame of the roof, which we can say that this room is located on the highest floor of the house. Usually, the ceiling is white. But, in order to make it suitable for a teenage girl bedroom, they paint it pink and it becomes a cute bedroom.
28. The Zebra Accent Style

The bed is the focal point of the bedroom. So, if you want to create a specific theme for the bedroom, you can change the bed appearance. This one uses the zebra pattern. It’s suitable for girl bedroom. By combining it with the floral wall pattern, it produces a nice result.
29. Horse Riding Themes

If your daughter love rides a horse, why don’t you use this theme in her bedroom? As you can see here, it’s not only the picture of the horse and its jockey. It also has pictures of horse for decoration. And, it even adds the farmhouse door that gives it stable nuance.
30. Elevated Bed Area

You may need to do a lot of work to apply the teenage girl bedroom ideas as you can see here. Basically, you build a base on the bed area to create an elevated area. The bed becomes much closer to the window, which gives you a fresh feeling when the morning sun shines through the window.
31. The Vintage Style with Green Ceiling

This green ceiling is a really good idea. The green color has a relaxing effect. You can find about this matter when you spend some time in the forest, park or other natural areas. You will feel relaxed, right? So, applying it on the ceiling will give the girl comfortable and relaxing effect when she lies down on the bed.
32. Minimal Color Tone for Teenage Girl

The most important element in creating a bedroom with minimalist style is using up to three color tone. This bedroom uses that method. It utilizes three girly colors for the room, which is light blue, pink and pure white. However, it doesn’t use too much of the first two in order to make it blend really well with the white background. It produces a cute and sweet design.
33. The Boyish Style

This room is more like a bedroom for a teenage boy than for a teenage girl. However, if the one who will stay here is boyish girl, this design won’t be a problem. The dark blue wall is the main accent of this room. However, in order to make it more girly, adding the cute style pattern pillow is the solution.
34. The Chic Style Teenage Girl Bedroom Ideas

The chic teenage girl bedroom ideas is perfect for creating a bedroom with high aesthetic value. What we like about this chic bedroom is how the designer separates the two different texture of the wall with a pillar. Moreover, to add the girl to touch in it, the pillar is painted with pink color.
35. The Sectioned Wall

The sectioned wall style seems really popular these days. And, it also creates an elegant and modern feeling in every bedroom. For girl bedroom, use the pink color like this one to match it with the girl theme. The result is a chic style bedroom design.
36. Light Color Girl Bedroom Ideas

It’s actually a simple white theme bedroom. However, in order to make the lighter part, the white color, stand out, the designer applies the darker floor. The teenage girl bedroom ideas like this creates a better reflection of the light from outside the window for the soft and calming atmosphere in the room.
37. Wild Pink Girl Bedroom Theme

The pink wall for hanging decoration is one of the best ideas you can use for your room. It is like the area that makes that decoration stands out among others. Moreover, if you use this area to hang the plaque or certificate you acquire, it will become more special.
38. Floral Wall Decoration

The floral wall pattern like this is a great way if you want to create fresh and remove the gloomy atmosphere from the small bedroom. You also don’t need to apply it on the entire wall. Just one part of the wall like this and that’s enough.
39. The White Flower Wall Decoration

The composition and placement of the white flower decoration on this room wall are amazing. The balance and aesthetical value create a beautiful view in this room. And, the flower shape also is perfect for the girl bedroom like this.
40. Back To Nature Girl Bedroom Ideas

Placing many plants inside the bedroom create a really fresh and comfortable nuance. Moreover, the plants are also suitable for a boy or girl bedroom. Therefore, if you have a problem to choose the design, you can use the teenage girl bedroom ideas that utilize the plants like this one.
41. The Royal Purple

Purple is a strong color. So, mostly, it isn’t suitable for a girl room that needs something soft and sweet nuance. However, the royal purple color like this one adds elegance in the bedroom. Maybe, it’s a little bit mature for teenage girl. But, if you plan to let her stay in this room for years, this design is a good choice.
42. The Sweet and Cute Teenage Girl Bedroom

This bedroom has all the elements that a teenage girl bedroom should have. The soft color, cute decoration, and beautiful furniture make it perfect for teenage girl. You also can personalize the bedroom using the initial letter on top of the bed. The girl stays here will feel more comfortable with it.
43. The Beach Theme

The beach theme teenage girl bedroom ideas is used in many designs. This one is the best example of that. The shellfish hanging lamp, as well as the ceiling, represents the beach house. This bedroom appearance will always change, whenever you and your daughter return from the beach vacation.
44. The Cabinet

We like the cabinet on the headboard part. By placing the cabinet in this area, you also can save more space in the bedroom for the area to keep your stuff. Your daughter that usually has many things to keep will be very helped with this design. You also can use the teenage girl bedroom ideas like this for any bedroom that doesn’t have similar space limitation.
45. Flower Decoration for Teenage Girl Bedroom

Using flower as one of the teenage girl bedroom ideas also can become the best solution you can try. You can use it on all kinds of a part in the bedroom. This one is the easiest example you can follow. Just use the bedding with a flower pattern, and you can create a nice bedroom for girl.
46. Rise and Sunshine Girl Bedroom Ideas

47. Gray Bedroom Ideas for Teenage Girl

48. Beach Themed Teenage Girl Bedroom Ideas

49. Lavender Teenage Girl Bedroom Decor

50. Floral Teenage Girl Bedroom Ideas with Teal Walls

Those are cute and sweet teenage girl bedroom ideas you can use. Just before you apply them, make sure you talk it with your daughter or the girl that will stay in that room. That way you can really choose the best ideas that match what they like.